About This Blog

This summer (2012), I am traveling to Karnataka state in India to volunteer with two different organizations. One is Dream A Dream's DreamConnect project in Bangalore city, the other is a primary school in Hosahalli village (near Mysore) called the Viveka Tribal Center for Learning (VTCL), operated by SVYM. I also hope to make a comparative study of how these two organizations entice youths in their respective demographics to enroll in their respective school/program.

This blog will follow my trip in India for all 12 weeks. I will arrive in Bangalore on May 18th and spend 5 weeks working with the DreamConnect project, before I travel to Mysore where I will volunteer at VTCL for another 5 weeks. I will spend the last 2 weeks mainly traveling around the northern parts of the country.

DreamConnect: A program that teaches life skills for employment for youths aged 14-18. The main modules focus on basic literacy in English and computer usage, but also include interviewing skills and personal financing. At the end of the program, DreamConnect staff and session facilitators provide students with a certificate and help them apply for jobs and further education (usually high school level).

SVYM-VTCL: A primary school in Heggadadevanakote, Mysore District, providing schooling, uniform and lunch for tribal children in grades 1-10. In addition to regular curriculum, the school places emphasis on vocational training, health & sports activities, and promotion of local culture & cultural awareness.

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