Thursday, May 24, 2012

A Little Helter-Skelter

Monday evening, I managed to get wonderfully lost in Bangalore's commercial area. While randomly walking into the downtown area, I decided to cross MG road (Mahatma Gandhi road - main central road in Bangalore) and followed Kamaraj road north. After a kilometer or two, I saw a myriad of little streets leading west from Kamaraj: I ended up spending 2 hours just randomly walking around checking out stores. The sights were absolutely enthralling - clothes stores, dingy restaurants, road sellers, juice stops, hardware stores, two mosques and a Hindu temple. All packed together in tiny little roads with lots of activity going on. There were snacks to buy everywhere, but I had already grabbed a fruit lassi (thin, sweetened yogurt) on Kamaraj road. At some point, a blind turn lead me back in a circle which was when I stumbled upon a local perfume shop. The salesman was busy filling perfumes into tiny little 5ml bottles, that filled up almost all of the shelf space. I couldn't resist checking them out and ended up with a small bottle of "Minsk" for 40 rupees. Next time, I want to come back and try some of the dosa's and chicken biryani in the little roadside restaurants - local eats in cheap, dingy places is usually what tastes best!

I feel I also need to say something about the traffic in Bangalore. After walking around for 4.5 hours, my throat was beginning to itch and I was about ready to scream every time I heard a motor horn. The traffic is heavy, jumbled, packed with a million motorbikes and auto-rickshaws... like, all the time. Even with 2-lane roads, it constantly looks like rush hour. And then gets jam-packed when it actually is rush hour. But then again, it's an unplanned city of over 8  million people. The smog, dust and noise from the traffic is just something I'll have to get used to until I go to Mysore district. The lack of central planning is, however, also part of what lends Bangalore its charm - every neighborhood appears small and a little helter-skelter in its own unique way. It leads to tons of exploration opportunities. I just really need to get used to the traffic being on the left-hand side of the road, I usually panic a little bit when I have to cross the road...

As I walked back across the downtown area, I saw a homeless man spread a few newspapers on the street to sleep on. It was probably the saddest image of poverty I had ever come across - A grim reminder of inequality in this world. A healthy reminder too, I think. It's always healthy to take a few minutes to think about your purpose in life.

One last note: Walking down Brigade road, a street seller offered me weed. For some reason this amused me intensely, perhaps because it's such a stereotype about tourists. I couldn't help but smile, and tell the guy I'd think about it before walking away. 


  1. should have taken it. South Asia has wonderful weed ;)

  2. So I've heard, but I can get into trouble with my F1 visa if I'm caught, so... next time?! :P
