Saturday, June 23, 2012


I almost got hustled today, just as I arrived in Mysore. I got here around 5:20pm, and my fever that had returned at noon hadn't really subsided. The bus driver pointed to some dude and said he'd help me. Uhm, I don't need help with my bag. "nono, not for bag, auto". I figured, what the hell... might save me some time. It got pretty sketchy when he handed me over to some other dude, who first tried to get me to go on a cab and then said he had his own auto. I don't like blowing people off, but I nervously moved a little towards a bunch of other auto-rickshaw's, when the guy came back and called me over. I tested him with the distance, which he answered to honestly. But:

"OK, so you will go by meter charge?"
"No, 200 Rupees"
"Uhm, that's not what your friend said, so nope"

Dabbed my chest with his hand, and mumbled something about me and India as we both turned away from each other...

I guess that serves as a reminder to avoid hustlers at bus stops. First attempt since I got here.

As I was walking down the road, a young girl on the back of a motorbike randomly smiled at me. I think it was the most innocent smile I had ever seen.

The SVYM hostel is 12-13KM outside of downtown Mysore, and it took a while to find. I got put in a double room for two days with a Jamaican guy from the US called Xavier, who is volunteering with their leadership program. I crashed on the bed as soon as I got in, and looked really groggy when he came back to the room (I imagine he must have been like, "what the hell? It's only 6:30!"). He's supposed to show me around a bit tomorrow, if he comes back from work early that is. Let's see how I feel by then, feverish from exhaustion plus a cold ain't fun...

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