Monday, July 30, 2012

The Mute Guy

The first time I made my way to Hosahalli, I met an almost-mute guy by the bus stop at HD Kote Hand Post who wore what looked like a bus driver’s brown shirt. He wasn’t one, but he tried to be very helpful and gestured for me to relax and wait until the bus came. In fact he was almost too helpful; every time a bus came that wasn’t the right one he’d motion to me until I could explain again that it was the wrong one. He couldn’t speak, only mull a sound from his throat and use hand gestures. And smile. He smiled a lot. When the bus came he jumped on it and joked around with the bus driver & conductor while helping them with passengers.

I’ve seen him again each time I’ve traveled back from Mysore, always jumping on at a different bus stop and getting off someplace random. One Sunday I saw him at VTCL giving the early morning bus a check-up. I’ve surmised that he must either be a former bus driver or simply friends with all the KSRTC (Karnataka State Road Transportation Company) staff out in this area: he has mechanical know-how, knows everybody running the busses, understands the passenger system, and gets tips from the drivers for various favors. When I inquired, someone told me that he was married; I think he makes a meager living from hopping the bus routes like this. I always notice the warmth that naturally radiates from him with his charming smile (he is also quite short, which makes him look almost adorable). 

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