Saturday, July 21, 2012

The Bangalore Trip

On the Saturday the 7th, I went for a quick weekend trip to Bangalore for the GSE goodbye reception. In hindsight I probably wouldn’t have done it, since it took a total of 7 hours just to get to Bangalore. After that I had to deal with B’lore city traffic to get to meet my former co-workers from Dream A Dream for an hour, and then another hour to get to the reception (late) through rush hour.

Fancy hotel with a fancy reception - as I walk in, I immediately feel under-dressed in my Wooster T-shirt and sweatshirt. I casually put down my sweatshirt, and flatten the folds on my hopefully plain-looking T-Shirt. Crap, this ain't no party?! Guess I should have figured from the venue.

Pre-snacks, speeches, fancy non-vegetarian food and an open bar. I had a bout of anxiety and couldn't sit still; didn't feel like talking. I was constantly taking nervous swigs from my glass, so I stuck to Bacardi Breezers. I performed a couple of socially-required interactions with people, and tried to sit away from people. Had no appetite, although I hadn't eaten since 11am that day, so I couldn't squeeze down anything beyond two gulps of soup and some salad. 

The evening got better later on; caught up with someone until 3am that night, then woke up at 8am to catch a bus back to Mysore. Another 7 hours on the bus, with a quick stopover in Mysore for some internet access and a shopping spree for more granola bars. Soooo much time to think by oneself.

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